We’ve recently been asked questions by clients in the consulting business (primarily in casino gaming industry) about ways in which they can use digital advertising channels (primarily search and programmatic display) to drive leads to their website. Below, the team at HOGO features a few of the key ways that digital can be used to drive (and track) new leads for. Although aimed at the gaming industry, this can really be utilized for any consultancy business across a variety of verticals.
Paid Search Marketing
The use of paid search is key is the first channel we recommend to clients, especially those which are new to digital advertising and promotion online. Paid search (search engine marketing, or SEM), allows consultants to display their branded ads to users who search specific keywords or phrases, as well as “similar” keywords and phrases. The ads (generally text, although expanded ad styles are also available) include enough information that is used to drive click-thru to the consultants landing page of choice (website homepage or more likely, a specific page about the service enquired about during the keyword search term).
Gaming consultants and those in the industry should focus on targeting searches around the specific offered services as well as broader terms that may be used by those seeking consultancy services. A quick search for “casino consultant”, for example, returned ideas around a variety of keywords including:
casino game consultant
bet consulting
sports betting consultant
casino game developers
casino gaming companies
gambling consultant
…and many more. These few terms alone averaged >1,000 monthly global searches. Additional targeting including geography, language and other options are easily controlled via Google’s Adwords platform.
When launching ads, it’s important to work with A/B or even A/B/C copy variants. This ensures that Google launches several copy options and is able to optimize based on the performance (clicks, conversions (lead submissions) or any other ’trigger’ decided by the gaming consultant).
Leads are tracked based on the websites lead generation tool (most often a form) which allows for consultants to clearly understand their cost per lead / cost per acquisition and adjust ad spends based on higher performing markets / services.
Display / Programmatic
Simply put, display advertising refers to running banner, video and other media on Google’s ad network. The benefit of display for gaming consultants includes:
– The ability to more graphically showcase the brand and its offerings- The ability to target specific audiences – including the basic demographics (location, age, gender) as well as interests, education level, household income and more (although these audiences vary by country / jurisdiction)
Programmatic can offer more complex options including retargeting to audiences based on site actions or even to existing databases of loyal customers via email – at the least, display marketing allows gaming consultants to further instill their brand to users who may have been targeted with a paid search marketing ad.
Lead Building Campaigns – LinkedIn
While the above platforms are primarily referring to advertising across the Google network, LinkedIn has proven to be a very effective way for casino gaming consultants to target very specific users within the gaming space, including decisions makers, by market and in localized language.
LinkedIn generally proves more expensive due to its specific reach opportunity, but does prove a fast option that is highly targeted. Consultants can utilize a variety of paid advertising options including banner ads and sponsored videos. Banners ads specifically work well for mass-market pushes (similar to display advertising on Google) – these are highly targeted by industry and can specifically target senior leadership within casino operations in any jurisdiction. For example, a consultant can specifically target senior roles within casinos in Macau with their messaging. Another highly effective and personalized option is InMail. This allows the consultant to send a direct message to those LinkedIn users who fit a specific category (for example, Macau casino-related workers in senior roles).
InMail can be highly personalized, and while expensive, can prove a great tool to get in front of a highly targeted audience with a specific message or sales pitch.
This article is just meant to delve into the very basics that casino gaming consultants may consider when launching or building their brands. As the demand for expertise in gaming expands, specifically in Asia, consultants will need to be understand how to expand their presence from hyper-local markets to those which span multiple regions, countries and even languages in order to grow their client base. These ideas are just a few meant to inspire consultants on ‘quick wins’ they can achieve across several simple digital marketing channels.
For more information, contact us directly via [email protected]. Read more about digital marketing channels and services at www.hogodigital.com.